5 Simple Poses for Your Engagement Photos

Today’s post is all about posing! I use a posing system that is super simple. Sometimes my couples are a little nervous about being in front of the camera – and that’s okay! I’ll guide you through everything. You’ll probably be surprised at how easy it is. I describe my posing style as posed, but candid because I incorporate a few prompts to get those natural smiles on camera after I’ve got you in a base pose.

Here are five simple poses that you can incorporate into your engagement photos or wedding day!

Belly to Belly

This one is exactly what it sounds like – you put your bellies together and then wrap each other up! This pose photographs really intimate and there is so much variety I can add to it by changing up your arms, faces, and maybe even adding a dip!

Belly to Hip

This one is also pretty much exactly what it sounds like. One person stands square to the camera and the other person puts their belly on their hip. This one has a slimming effect and an extra twist and lean forward really cinches that waistline!

Half Hug

I don’t really have a good name for this one – so I call it the half hug. One person stands slightly behind the other person and hugs their arm. You can hold hands down low and use the other hand to grab the elbow. I like to do this one in a way where we can show off the bling!


You’ve probably been walking almost your entire life – so this one should feel REALLY easy. I actually start most of my sessions with this pose because I find it really eases you into the session. There’s a few modifications when you’re walking for the camera through. First, you need to walk slowly. For men, I suggest walking normally with your feet should-width apart. For women, it’s best if you walk like you’re on a tightrope with one foot in front of the other – it is super flattering on camera.



Twirling is such a fun pose! I love when I can add movement to photos! One person will stand with their shoulders square to the camera with one arm raised, the other person will grab their hand and twirl! If your dress is really big and bulky and twirling is too hard, you can just twist back and forth to get the same movement in your photos.


I hope you found these poses simple and it got you excited for your engagement photos! These are a few of my favorite poses that I use in almost every session, but I have a few others that I use pretty commonly as well.

Tell me your posing ideas or your favorite pose in the comments below!

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